In this paper, a novel blind color image watermarking technique using U matrix through QSVD transformation is proposed to protect the intellectual property rights of color images. The proposed method tries to insert the watermark through moderating the coefficient of the quaternion elements in U matrix. .In this method, the color image is considered as an array of pure quaternion numbers. Then the array of pure quaternion is divided into non-overlapping blocks and we perform QSVD to the block to get the U matrix. The watermarking is inserted into the coefficient of the quaternion elements in the first column of the U matrix. Besides, in the procedure of watermark insertion and extraction, ensuring higher fidelity and robustness and resilience to several possible image attacks have been considered. The experimental results showed that the proposed method performance created watermarked images with better PSNRs and more robustness versus several attacks such as Salt &Pepper noise, Brightness adjustment, Sharpen and Blurring and Clipping.
1. Introduction
2 .The Basic Theory
2.1. Quaternion Representation of a Color Image
2.2 QSVD of Color Image
3 .Our Proposed Algorithm
3.1 Embedding Procedure
3.2 Extracting Procedure
4. Experiment Results and Analysis
4.1 Evaluation Criteria
4.2 The Experiment Results without being Attacked
4.3 The Experiment Results with being Attacked
5. Conclusions