

Analysis on Supply and Demand Status of Information Protection of Human Resources in Korea



There were about nine hundred information protection human resources less in Korea in 2012 but this number is expected to increase to about two thousand, five hundred in 2015, widening the gap between demand and supply. This is more of a serious qualitative issue than a quantitative issue in terms of scarce resources. There is an average proficiency gap of 1.2 points out of seven points among the resources companies would like to hire. In particular, among the twenty-five knowledge and technology levels, fields such as cryptology only meet about 70% of the industry's expectation level. To solve the quantitative supply and demand gap of information protection human resources, it is necessary to attract more human resources into the information protection industry through various training paths. Also, in order to enhance the qualitative fidelity level of the information protection resources, there is a need to foster customized talents that meet company demands by adjusting training curriculum according to proficiency differences.


 1. Introduction
 2. Current Status of Information Protection Human Resources
 3. Supply and Demand Status of Information Protection Human Resources
 4. Supply and Demand of Information Protection Human Resources
 5. Closing


  • Seung-Woan Chai Korea Internet & Security Agency
  • Sang-Ho Jie Korea Internet & Security Agency
  • Kyoung-Sik Min Korea Internet & Security Agency


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