

A Virtual-Internetworking-Stack (VIS) Approach to Achieve a Flexible, Proprietary Security Model by Augmentation of the Transport Layer under the Collaborative Framework of Sine Wave Encryption Technique and Generation of Color QR Codes



Due to potentially peer works going on to address the loopholes in the existing system research works in Internet Security is never likely to saturate. The degree of one's need of security on Internet varies with one's economical, organizational and political position and the sensitivity of the information itself. This thesis envisages a Virtual Internetworking Stack (VIS), achieved by augmentation of the TCP/IP stack to befool possible cyber vigilance on one’s activities over the Internet. The model prescribes a secure session set-up randomly by exchanging colored QR codes, where the wavelength of the color determines the phase of a sinusoid used to encrypt/decrypt a message, which is understood only by a compatible and intended VIS-stack. Since, the augmentation of TCP/IP layer is done in the Kernel of the user’s Operating System, any message that this VIS-stack sends to another VIS-stack across the Internet, will be meaningless to the routers and gateways in between which participate in cyber vigilance; and an attempt to steal one’s information will be fooled by the proposed security model. We also present a vulnerability study and performance evaluation of the augmented TCP/IP stack, obtained by results of physically performed experiments.


 1. Introduction
 2. Proposed Model
  2.1 Shared Knowledgebase
  2.2. Anatomy of the OSL Packets
  2.3. Secure Session Establishment
  2.4 Data Communication Post Establishment of a Secure Session
  2.5 Illustrations of sample packets
  2.6 Encapsulation of the OSL packets
 3. Performance analysis of the security model
  3.1 Comparison with the performance of SSL
  3.2 Flexibility and opacity provided by the proposed VIS model
  3.3 Network Access Point
 4. Results:


  • Soham Sengupta Department of Information Technology, JIS College of Engineering, India Research Scholar, DETS, University of Kalyani, India
  • Parthapratim Sarkar DETS, University of Kalyani, India


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