With the continuous expansion of power grid, a large number of transmission lines through forests. Forest fire disasters seriously threaten the safe, economic and stable operation of power grid, so that the demand of discriminating fire risk points in transmission line corridors is getting more and more imperative. In this paper, a Fisher discriminant analysis method was put forward based on multivariate statistical analysis to assess the status of forest fire risk points. Firstly, impact factors on forest fire were defined. Secondly, the correlation between impact factors and the stability of fire risk point was analyzed with the historical material of forest fire. Next, multidimensional variables of the stability of fire risk point were turned into one-dimensional variables by projection method. Finally, the distances between one-dimensional variables were calculated and used to discriminate the status of stability of fire risk points. In a case in Shanxi province, this method has been verified.
1. Introduction
2. Analysis on Impact Factors for Forest Fire Disaster along Transmission Lines
2.1 Impact by Landform Factor on the Stability of Fire Risk Points
2.2 Meteorological Indicators' Impact on the Stability of Fire Risk Points
2.3 Human Factors' Impact on the Stabiligy of Fire Risk Points
3. Assessment Method for Transmission Lines' Forest Fire Risk Points
3.1 Fisher Linear Discriminant Analysis Model
3.2 Fisher Discriminant's Procedures
4. Study on Cases
5. Analysis on Result
6. Conclusion