

Life Cycle Cost Prediction for Rolling Stocks in Maintenance Phase Based on VBA Language Program




In order to predict and analyze the LCC during rolling stocks’ maintenance phase, provide the important support for the decision during rolling stocks’ design, production, operation and disposal, mitigate the risks for high expenditure, the LCC prediction software is developed with VBA programming language in Microsoft Excel environment based on various rolling stocks’ maintenance scenarios. This software can collect the LCC input and predict the LCC during rolling stocks’ maintenance phase. The data input is based on the history data and RAMS information for each system and approved by the engineers. This software is validated by several systems and a specific metro project. It shows very wide applicability for LCC prediction for comparing and analyzing for customer and design and friendly interface to the users.


 1. Introduction
 2. LCC Prediction for Rolling Stocks
  2.1. LCC Breakdown Structure for Rolling Stocks
  2.2. Phase of Life Cycle
 3. LCC Breakdown for Maintenance Phase
  3.1. Full LCC Model for Rolling Stocks
  3.2. LCC Model for Operation and Maintenance Phase Costs
 4. VBA Software Development
  4.1. Concept Design of the VBA Software
  4.2. Software Detail Design
 5. Practical Application
 6. Conclusion


  • Jiamin Fang Branch of Accounting, Jilin Business and Technology College, Changchun 130062, PR China
  • Lin Ji Zhejiang University of Finance & Economics, Hangzhou 310038, PR China


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