In order to encourage customers to return, more and more retailers issue membership cards that offer certain exclusive benefits to the customers who own them. As it is not convenient for the customers to bring many plastic membership cards with them, electronic membership cards emerge. However, traditional electronic membership cards are stored in the mobile phone that usually lacks enough security protection. This paper presents a common data storage solution for SE-based membership card applications, which can enable retailers not only to deploy membership cards on secure area easily, but also to access membership cards in a fast and secure manner. Since the proposed solution provides common and simplified interfaces for managing membership card application information, the service providers will not have to know much about the complicated application management mechanism within a SE and thus the overhead of developing and deploying a SE-based membership card application is greatly reduced.
1. Introduction
2. Related Works
3. The Proposed System
3.1 Data Storage Manager
3.2 Security Manager
4. Sample Application
5. Conclusions