

Research on Emergency Resource Scheduling in Smart City based on HPSO Algorithm




Smart city as a novel further urban development pattern paid more attention by governments, is no longer confined to the virtual concept frameworks, and is now realized and proved effectively in different domain, especially in emergency management. Based on current research of emergency management in smart city system, with considering the new features of emergency resources, such as real time, distributed, self-organization, etc., a emergency management system architecture is proposed firstly, which composes of resource layer, sense and network layer, smart service layer, application layer and social management layer. Then a clear collaborative emergency resource scheduling model is constructed to minimize the time, cost and maximize the quality of resource. Moreover, we present an improved HPSO to solve the multi-objective emergency resource scheduling problem. Finally, a simulation experiment is carried out to obtain the evaluation results which can indicate us that our scheduling model and algorithm are applicative and valuable in emergency management of smart city.


 1. Introduction
 2. Emergency Management System Architecture in Smart City
 3. Collaborative Emergency Resource Scheduling Model
  3.1 Problem Formulation
  3.2 Objective Functions and Optimization Model
 4. Hybrid Approach
  4.1 Construct the Fixed Tabu List
  4.2 Searching the Optimal Solution
 5. A Numerical Example Analysis
  5.1 Sample Data
  5.2 Comprehensive Evaluation and Analysis of the Results
 6. Conclusion


  • Hong Ye School of Information Science and Technology, Dalian Maritime University Dalian, Liaoning, China, 116026


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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