

WingCache : Application-aware Caching for Hybrid Render Farm



In this paper, we present a hybrid render farm which can accommodate cloud-based rendering servers to extend the rendering capacity of a local cluster render farm. A rendering workload in real world tends to highly fluctuate, so it is very common for an on-premise cluster to be overloaded. However, running a rendering job on a remote cloud has a few challenging issues: input data synchronization and complex infrastructure management. Our proposed RenderVerse can overcome mentioned obstacles with an application-aware caching scheme coupled with a repository and a hierarchical server node management.


 1. Introduction
 2. Strategies for Moving Towards CLOUD
 3. WingCache
 4. System Architecture
 5. Implementation Issues
 6. Conclusion


  • KyungWoon Cho R&D Center, Clunix, Inc., 1-1206, Ace High Tech City, Seoul, 150-972 Korea
  • JinWoo Seo R&D Center, Clunix, Inc., 1-1206, Ace High Tech City, Seoul, 150-972 Korea
  • Joon Kang R&D Center, Clunix, Inc., 1-1206, Ace High Tech City, Seoul, 150-972 Korea
  • JinUng Lee R&D Center, Clunix, Inc., 1-1206, Ace High Tech City, Seoul, 150-972 Korea
  • SangJin Kim R&D Center, Clunix, Inc., 1-1206, Ace High Tech City, Seoul, 150-972 Korea
  • JinWoo Park R&D Center, Clunix, Inc., 1-1206, Ace High Tech City, Seoul, 150-972 Korea
  • JiYoung Song R&D Center, Clunix, Inc., 1-1206, Ace High Tech City, Seoul, 150-972 Korea
  • JungWhan Kim R&D Center, Clunix, Inc., 1-1206, Ace High Tech City, Seoul, 150-972 Korea
  • DaeSuk Kwon R&D Center, Clunix, Inc., 1-1206, Ace High Tech City, Seoul, 150-972 Korea


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