In this paper, we propose the caching technique to minimize the streaming for multimedia item and the service latency. As mobile ad-hoc network (MANET) has no fixed communication infrastructure, the route maintenance and the transmission management are important issues. Caching technique is used to improve the performance of data access. In the proposed caching scheme, mobile node stores the multimedia item passing through itself and the popular items delivered by the routing nodes located in 1 hop away from itself. We adopt caching policy based on LRU and the popularity and the block distance of multimedia items. In evaluation, we examined our proposed scheme in the view of the caching probability and the cache hit ratio as the function of the network size and the node density under the random waypoint mobility model. From simulation results, we confirm that the proposed scheme offers better performance substantially.
1. Introduction
2. Previous Works
3. Aggressive Caching Scheme Based on Popularity
3.1. System Model
3.2. Caching Policy
4. Simulation and Analysis