

A Comparative Study on Filtered, Vertical and Horizontal Inheritance Mapping in Database



The inheritance is one of the most basic ideas of object technology that can be useful for database. This paper discusses and elaborates one of the most common mapping algorithms about mapping of inheritance structure to relational database. The inheritance mapping in database contains three various approaches: filtered, vertical and horizontal inheritance mapping. This paper review the fundamental measures used to comparative among three inheritance mapping in database through determine the strengths and weaknesses for each on: ease of access to the data, the speed of data access, Ad hoc reporting, Ease of implementation, Coupling, Support for polymorphism to the user and the development of modern commercial applications to protect the time and effort taken advantage of them while working. By tow method Based on the algorithms and rules, Object Relational Mapping (ORM) tool.


 1. Introduction
 2. Over View of Block Diagram for Comparative Three Various Approaches of Mapping Inheritance
  2.1. Details about Block Diagram for Comparative Three Various Approaches of Mapping Inheritance
 3. Limitations
 5. Conclusion and Future Work


  • Ala Ahmad Lasasmeh Jordan, al-karak, Mutah University


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