

The Development and Implementation of a Low-Cost Integrated Control System for Aerial Survey



This paper presents the development of a low-cost integrated control system for aerial survey based on pan-tilt and multi-sensor data fusion. The design of aerial vehicle route planning, pan-tilt mechanical structure and attitude estimation are discussed in detail. A route planning file containing flight paths and automatic exposure points is firstly derived by the route plan software to control the whole aerial photography task. As for the most challenging task, accurate attitude estimation, a custom Kalman filtering hardware module based on FPGA is introduced. The introduced module invokes the build-in multipliers of FPGA to achieve Kalman filtering hardware implementation, which leads to a rapid attitude estimation. After that mechanical structure of a specialized pan-tilt is designed and fabricated to adjust the camera attitude to the vertical direction of the ground plane. The practice aerial survey is also conducted to evaluate the accuracy and performance of designed control system. Our studies indicates that with the designed control system, it would be feasible to configure an aerial survey system while cooperate with professional aerial camera or some other civil cameras, which will make it easier to focusing on evaluation of aerial survey concepts and approaches.


 1. Introduction
 2. System Design
 3. Aerial Vehicle Route Planning
  3.1. Coordinates of Exposure Points
  3.2. Elimination of Needless Points
  3.3 Flight Route Linking
 4. Pan-tilt Design
  4.1 Design of Mechanical Structure
  4.2 Selection of Motor
  4.3 Design of Transmission Mechanism
 5. Accurate Attitude Estimation based on Kalman Filtering Hardware Module
  5.1 Kalman Filter Model
  5.2 Implementation of Kalman Filter
 6. Experiments and Practice
  6.1 Attitude Estimation Performance Test
  6.2 Practical Application
 7. Conclusions


  • Liqing Zhou School of Electronic Information, Wuhan University, China, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Calgary, Canada
  • Yan Zhang School of Electronic Information, Wuhan University, China
  • Shu An School of Electronic Information, Wuhan University, China
  • Zhenhao Pan School of Electronic Information, Wuhan University, China
  • Ke Wang School of Electronic Information, Wuhan University, China


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