

Performance Analysis of LLC-LC Resonant Converter Fed PMDC Motor



In this paper, a modified form of the most efficient resonant LLC series parallel converter configuration (SPRC) is proposed. The proposed system comprises of an additional LC circuit synchronized along with the existing resonant tank of LLC configuration (LLC-LC configuration). With the development of power electronics devices, resonant converters have been proved to be more efficient than conventional converters as they employ soft switching technique. Among the three basic configurations of resonant converter, Series Resonant Converter (SRC), Parallel Resonant Converter (PRC) and Series Parallel Resonant Converter, the LLC configuration under SPRC is proved to be most efficient providing narrow switching frequency range for wide range of load variation, improved efficiency and providing ZVS capability even at no load. The modified LLC configuration i.e., LLC-LC configuration offers better efficiency as well as better output voltage and gain. The efficiency tends to increase with increase in input voltage and hence these are suitable for high input voltage operation. In this paper, LLC topology of SPRC and a modified LLC topology (LLC-LC) of SPRC for the closed loop control of a BLDC motor are simulated and their performances are compared and analyzed.


 1. Introduction
 2. LLC Resonant Converter
  2.1. Operation of LLC Converter
 3. Modified LLC: LLC-LC Resonant Converter
  3.1. Design of LLC-LC Converter
 4. Closed Loop Control of BLDC
  4.1. Field Oriented Control
 5. Resonant Converter fed BLDC Motor- Simulation & Results
  5.1. LLC Resonant Converter
  5.2.LLC-LC Resonant Converter
  5.3. LLC versus LLC-LC Resonant Converter
  5.4. Speed Control of BLDC Motor fed from LLC topology of Resonant Converter
  5.5 Speed Control of BLDC Motor fed from LLC-LC topology of Resonant Converter
 6. Conclusion


  • M. Santhosh Rani SRM University, Chennai, India
  • Subhransu Sekhar Dash SRM University, Chennai, India


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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