

日本軍「慰安婦」問題における河野談話をめぐる争点に関する考察 - 日本国内における否定する側と肯定する側の論点を中心に -


Study on the Issues Concerning the Kono Statement Regarding the Japanese Military Sexual Slavery - Revolving Around the Negative and Positive Sides -


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The purpose of this study is to compare and to analyse between the negative and positive sides on this issues and considerate about the issues. The negative side on the Kono Statement argues that even though there is no document that implies the government coercion, government has admitted it according to the testimony of former victims of the sexual slavery and this is the problem. To summarize the issues concerning the 「coercion」of the both side, the negative side argues that 「Narrow sense of coercion」which means violations and threats by the military force or the authorities is the only coercion and there is no such document implies it so there was no government coercion. In contrast, the positive side argues that mobilization of the sexual slavery against their will by sweet-talk, deception, human trafficking, abduction is 「Broad sense of coercion」 and it is government coercion as well. Moreover, 「Broad sense of coercion」also means transfer under the surveillance, restriction of the freedom in the sexual slavery facility, forcing the life of sexual slave, and the general coercion on the sexual slavery. They say though there is no document that implies the government coercion in Chosen, but it is validated in China and South East Asia. By this, the legitimacy of the negative side, by confining the coercion to only the method of mobilization, results in the desertion on the issue of the sexual slavery facility which is crucial on this sexual slavery issue. The sexual slaves existed in the whole place where japanese military forces occupied and stationed, but the negative side is confining the place only to Chosen. This reduces the entire issue to only the problem between Korea and Japan, and ultimately distorts the Japanese military sexual slavery issue.


  3.1 慰安婦問題の浮上から河野談話発表まで
  3.2 教科書への記述をめぐる時期(1997年)
  3.3 第1次安倍内閣と米下院決議(2006〜2007年)
  3.4 安倍·朴政権の出発から河野談話作成経緯検証まで(2013~2014年6月)
 4. 河野談話を否定する側の論理と肯定する側の論理
  4.1 強制性
  4.2 元慰安婦の証言


  • 俵木はるみ 光云大學校 助敎授


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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