

Physical and Optical Properties of Hydrophilic Tinted Lens Materials with the Fluoro-substituted Aniline Group



The physical and optical properties of polymers with 2-fluoroaniline and 4-fluoroaniline added, which can be used for hydrophilic ophthalmic lenses, were investigated in this study. The UV-blocking properties of 2- and 4-fluoroaniline were also investigated by measuring their UV transmissibility. 2- and 4-Fluoroaniline were used as additives for the basic combination of HEMA, 5% AA, and 1% MMA, and the materials were copolymerized with EGDMA as the cross- linking agent and AIBN as the initiator. The refractive index, water content, optical transmittance, tensile strength, and contact angle were measured to evaluate the physical properties of the produced hydrogel lens. The measured physical properties of the hydrogel contact lens produced with the copolymerized polymer showed a refractive index of 1.425-1.436; a water content of 36.95-44.65%; a visual light transmittance of 66.0-81.0%; a tensile strength of 0.138-0.281 kgf; and a contact angle of 55.02-57.87o. The UV transmissibility was significantly reduced, which indicates that 2-fluoroaniline and 4- fluoroaniline have UV-blocking properties. This study showed that 2- and 4-fluoroaniline are expected to be used as UVblocking materials in hydrogel ophthalmic lenses whose physical properties, such as their refractive index and water content, do not change.


 1. Introduction
 2. Materials and Methods
  2.1. Reagents and Materials
  2.2. Polymerization of Ophthalmic Hydrogel Lens Materials
  2.3. Instruments and Analysis
 3. Results and Discussion
  3.1. Polymerization and Production of the Polymer
  3.2. Refractive Index
  3.3. Water Content
  3.4. Spectral Transmittance
  3.5. Tensile Strength
  3.6. Contact Angle
 4. Conclusions


  • Se-Young Park Department of Ophthalmic Optics, Sehan University, Jeonnam 526-702
  • Min-Jae Lee Department of Ophthalmic Optics, Sehan University, Jeonnam 526-702
  • A-Young Sung Department of Optometry and Vision Science, Catholic University of Daegu, Gyeongbuk, 712-702, Korea


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