

특허권 침해제품의 부대제품 또는 부대서비스에 대한 손해배상 - 천정흡음판 노무비에 관한 대법원 2005다36830 판결 -


Damages Compensation on Collateral Product or Collateral Service of Patent Infringing Product - Supreme Court 2005Da36830 Case on Ceiling-Acoustic-Board Construction Fee -


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The case analyzed in this paper deals with a situation where ceiling-acoustic boards were sold and furthermore relevant construction service was sold simultaneously. The plaintiff argued that relevant lost profit from the service as well as from the products themselves must be included in calculating damages under Art. 128(1) of the Korea Patent Act. The Korea Supreme Court held that: (1) Art. 128(1) of the Korea Patent Act is not being applied to service but only to products; (2) collateral service can not be included into collateral sales. This paper, after analyzing jurisprudence of Art. 128(1), has made the following conclusions: (1) respecting the intent of the legislators, Art. 128(1) must be applied not only to products but also to method inventions and services; (2) in calculating lost profit, not only sales reduction of patented products but also sales reduction of collateral products could be included; (3) in determining whether collateral products (included in calculating lost profit) or not, “foreseeability” or “functional unit” tests could be applied; (4) as collateral products are included in calculating lost profit, collateral service must be included as well; (5) collateral products or collateral services can be included in calculating infringer’s profit under Art. 128(3) or reasonable royalty under Art. 128(4).


I. 서론
 II. 대상 판결의 내용
 III. 대상 판결에 대한 평석
 IV. 결론
 참고문 헌


  • 정차호 Jung, Cha-Ho. 성균관대학교 법학전문대학원 교수, 법학박사.


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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