

Levitation characteristics of HTS tape stacks



Due to the considerable development of the technology of second generation high-temperature superconductors and a significant improvement in their mechanical and transport properties in the last few years it is possible to use HTS tapes in the magnetic levitation systems. The advantages of tapes on a metal substrate as compared with bulk YBCO material primarily in the strength, and the possibility of optimizing the convenience of manufacturing elements of levitation systems. In the present report presents the results of the magnetic levitation force measurements between the stack of HTS tapes containing n = 2 ÷ 200 of tapes 12mm x 12 mm and NdFeB permanent magnet in the FC and ZFC regimes. It was found a non- linear dependence of the levitation force from the height of the array of stack in both modes: linear growth at small thickness gives way to flattening and constant at large number of tapes in the stack. Established that the levitation force of stacks comparable to that of bulk samples. The numerical calculations using finite element method showed that without the screening of the applied field the levitation force of the bulk superconductor and the layered superconductor stack with a critical current of tapes increased by the filling factor is exactly the same, and taking into account the screening force slightly different.




  • S. V. Pokrovskiy National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute), Moscow, Russia
  • Y. S. Ermolaev National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute), Moscow, Russia
  • I. A. Rudnev National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute), Moscow, Russia


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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