

윌리엄 칼로스 윌리엄스의 시적 상상력과 상대성 이론


The Poetic Imagination of William Carlos Williams and the Theory of Relativity


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Ryoo, Gi Taek. “The Poetic Imagination of William Carlos Williams and the Theory of Relativity.” Studies in English Language & Literature. 41.1 (2015): 23-44. The innovative structure of William Carlos Williams's poetry presents a world of space-time continuum, a universe of relativistic distortion. In his poems, form is altered in a way that parallels the spatial distortions of relativistic velocities contingent on individual frames of reference. In Williams's poetry, any spatial configuration is also part of an ongoing temporal process; his words are but ‘vectors of energy’ attracted or repelled by others in multiple directions and combinations. His poems represent the creative transformation of imaginative ‘energy’ into the very ‘matter’ of the poetic object—the words on the page. Poetry, for Williams, is "a field of action," which is analogous to Einstein's idea of gravitational field in which 'energy is to mass what time is to space.' This paper explores the ways in which Williams's poems metaphorically embody Einstein's concepts of space-time couverture and energy-mass transformation, demonstrating how Williams's poetic construction can be explained by Einstein's theory of field equation. What this paper suggests is that relativistic concepts in physics and poetry in the 20th Century have emerged spontaneously through intuitive-imaginative means essential to both. (Chungbuk National University)


 I. 들어가는 말
 II. 상대성의 세계와 새로운 척도
 III. 시공연속체(space-time continuum)
 IV. 중력장: “동력의 장으로서의 시”
 V. 나오는 말


  • 류기택 Ryoo, Gi Taek. 충북대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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