

The Crossing of Confining Boundaries and Women’s Struggles for Psychic Wholeness


Uirak Kim

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Kim, Uirak. “The Crossing of Confining Boundaries and Women’s Struggles for Psychic Wholeness.” Studies in English Language & Literature. 41.1 (2015): 1-22. In Lost Borders, Mary Hunter Austin's ultimate view of the Indians is based on her belief of indigenous people in the Southwest as models for interpreting cultural life in the United States. She rebels against the status of women and doggedly pursues her own career as a writer. This rebellion, initially a personal quest, leads her to confront the issues of women's dilemma and her era's culturally imposed contradictions between femininity and creativity. Austin ultimately discovers a self and a voice that argues for certain artistic qualities particular to women. However, Austin's perception of this dream is different; her concept is much more individualistic. Austin interprets the landscape in uniquely feminine ways. She comes to see the symbiosis of the desert and its native people as a blueprint for the formation of an American race. Austin's voice, which she used to articulate this personal vision, is infused with her own unique brand of struggle between the dominant and the subordinate; and it is colored by the pain of her personal struggles as an artist and woman. (Yongin University)


 Works Cited


  • Uirak Kim Yongin University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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