

Off-line점포 유통업체의 온라인몰 전용센터 물류시스템 구축사례 연구; 유통업체 A사 사례 중심으로


A Case Study on Implementation of Logistics Information System for On-line mall Distribution Center of Off-line Retailer

최규웅, 강성우, 강경식

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Recently, online grocery shopping has been increasing with the development of internet, mobile, and IT technology due to the proportion of consumers changes like increasing single households and double-income couples. Therefore, online sales from distributors with offline stores have also increased, and the offline retailers are facing their limits in dealing with store-based online channel they have carried out. Domestic offline retailers benchmarked overseas advanced retailers to solve this problem by reviewing about developing the online-only distribution center. However, much investment is needed in order to operate the distribution center with the new concept from abroad. In this study, we have reviewed the current online grocery market trend and the theory related to developing distribution system of the online mall. For offline retailers, we have reviewed the case which developed the distribution center applied to the nation’s first online-only distribution center. The purpose of this study is reducing trial and error for local retailers in developing online-only distribution centers and suggesting ways to improve investment effect.


 1. 서론
 2. 온라인 전용센터 물류시스템 관련이론적 고찰
 3. 구축 사례 연구
  3.1 온라인 전용 물류센터 이전 점포배송기반운영상황
  3.2 온라인 전용 물류센터 구축배경 및 필요성
  3.3 온라인 전용 물류센터 구축 전략
  3.4 온라인 전용 물류센터 운영시스템 구축개요 및 특징
  3.5 온라인 전용센터 운영 시스템 주요 구현기능
 4. 구축 효과 및 향후 보완방향
 5. 결론
 7. References


  • 최규웅 Kyu-Woong Choi. 액센츄어코리아
  • 강성우 Sung-Woo Kang. 펜실베니아 주립대학교 산업제조공학과
  • 강경식 Kyung-Sik Kang. 명지대학교 산업경영공학과


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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