

방사선방어용앞치마(Apron)의 차폐율과 균일성 측정을 통한 성능평가 연구


A study on performance evaluation of Apron by shielding rate and uniformity

유세종, 임창선, 심규란

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



In this study, we quantitatively analyzed the data by measuring the radiation shielding rate and uniformity in order to evaluate the performance of an Apron. In addition, storage conditions were also evaluated. The uniformity measurement was performed by evaluating the Apron DICOM images using a PACS program. The experiment was intended for 51 Aprons being used in three hospitals in the Daejeon area. The radiation shielding rate and uniformity were measured per lead equivalent for 0.25 mmPb, 0.35 mmPb, and 0.5 mmPb. As a result, the higher lead equivalents were, the greater differences in the non-uniformity between the top part and the bottom part became (p=0.020). In all hospitals, regarding the non-uniformity of four places in Aprons, all showed statistically significant differences (p<0.01). The average value of the transmitted radiation dose showed less difference (p = 0.005) in the bottom right than in the upper right but was statistically significant. There have been no marks of manufacturing date or the date of purchase in the Apron.


 1. 서론
 2. 조사대상 및 방법
  2.1 조사대상 및 재료
  2.2 조사 방법
  2.3 자료 분석
 3. 결과
  3.1 일반적 특성
  3.2 병원별 차폐율 및 투과선량 분석
  3.3 병원별 균일성 분석
  3.4 Apron 부위 및 납당량별 균일성 및 투과선량 비교
  3.5 병원별 균일성 및 투과선량 비교
 4. 고찰
 5. 결론
 6. Reference


  • 유세종 Se-Jong Yoo. 건양대학교병원 영상의학과
  • 임창선 ChangSeon Lim. 건양대학교 방사선학과
  • 심규란 Kyu-ran Sim. 건양대학교 방사선학과


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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