Analysis of Major Satisfaction and Career Maturity Degree of University Students Majoring in Beauty According to Holland Occupational Personality Types
This study was conducted to find out difference of major satisfaction and career maturity degree according to Holland Occupational Personality Types targeting university students majoring in beauty. For this, aiming at 355 enrolled students majoring in beauty in Seoul and Gyeonggi-province from May 1 to 30, 2014, a survey was implemented with Holland Code Career Test and a questionnaire which was made for the purpose of the study. For data analysis, SPSS 18.0, exploratory factor analysis, principal components analysis, and varimax method were used. For the difference of major satisfaction and career maturity degree, ANOVA was conducted. At the result of conducting Duncan test, in the measurement of the Holland Occupational Personality Types of the university students majoring in beauty, it could be seen that rates of “Artistic” 111 students (32.2%) proper to creativity and art field and “Social” 87 students (25.2%) excellent in social, educational leadership and interpersonal relationship ability were a lot. In major satisfaction per Holland Occupational Personality Type, lecture satisfaction, subject satisfaction, awareness satisfaction, and relationship satisfaction showed significant differences (p<.001). Types of Artistic (M=4.05), Social (M=3.78), and Realistic (M=3.42) were represented in order. Meanwhile, it could be known that the case of Investigative (M=3.22) was presented the lowest. Also, at the result of looking into the difference with career maturity degree, about factors of planning, reality, determinacy, and independence, there was significant different statistically (p<.001). Types of Artistic (M=3.90) and Social (M=3.65) were shown in order. On the other hand, the case of Conventional (M=3.44) was represented the lowest. Therefore, based on the data about significant difference by each occupational personality type, if career preparation and counsel directions are suggested, it is believed that career plans of more efficient self-satisfaction will be sought for.
Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 이론적배경
1. 전공만족도
2. 진로성숙도
3. Holland 진로성격유형
Ⅲ. 연구방법
1. 연구대상 및 조사기간
2. 측정도구 및 자료의 분석
Ⅳ. 연구결과 및 고찰
1. 일반적 특성
2. 미용전공 대학생의 Holland 진로성격 유형
3. 미용전공 대학생의 Holland 진로성격 유형에 따른 전공만족도 차이
4. 미용전공 대학생의 Holland 진로성격 유형에 따른 진로성숙도 차이
Ⅴ. 결론