

Embezzlement Disclosure Request and Information Asymmetry between Individual and Institutional Investors



This paper investigates the effect of embezzlement disclosure requests as well as the information asymmetry among investors for the firms listed on the Korea Exchange. Firms that receive an embezzlement disclosure request exhibit an abnormal return of -8.41% on the request day, an abnormal return of -2.16% on the following day, and a cumulative abnormal return of about -20% leading to the disclosure request. This result confirms that embezzlement is materially bad news, causing substantial loss to the investors. Furthermore, individual investors show net purchases on firms prior to embezzlement disclosure requests while institutional investors show net sales, suggesting that the information asymmetry exists between individual and institutional investors prior to embezzlement disclosure requests causing individual investors trade with institutional investors at an informational disadvantage.


  2.1. Sample Composition
  2.2. Methodology
  3.1. Market reaction around the day of the embezzlement disclosure request
  3.2 Analysis of cumulative abnormal returns around the embezzlement disclosure requests using a long window
  3.3 Trading patterns around the disclosure request by investor types and information asymmetry


  • Jinwoo Park College of Business Administration, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies
  • Yun-Woo Park College of Business Administration, Chung-Ang University
  • Posang Lee College of Business Administration, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies


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