

Initial Public Offerings, Earnings Management and Venture Capital : Evidence of Bull and Bear Market Conditions in Korea



Earnings management at the time of the IPO is an important issue and has captured considerable attention of academic literatures. However, there have been few studies testing earnings management in the context of market condition, and when financial intermediaries such as venture capital (VC) involve in the IPO process. This study investigates how VCs influence on earnings management of IPOs upon market condition. We find evidence that if IPO firms go public in the bear market periods, VCs are more likely to inflate their earnings more aggressively at the IPO, compared to the bull market periods. Specifically, while most of studies have argued that VCs have certification effect and monitoring effect to discourage earnings management, we argue that, with empirical finding in Korea, VCs have incentives to inflate their IPOs’ earnings for harvesting high returns in the IPO year and the inflated earnings are more deepened in bear market periods.


  2.1 Earnings Management and IPO
  2.2 Earnings Management of Korean VC and KOSDAQ Market
  2.3 Earnings Management of Korean VC and Market Condition
  2.4 VC Reputation Effects and Earnings Management
  3.1 KOSDAQ Market and Governance System
  3.2 Data and Sample Descriptions
  3.3 Methodology and Variables Measurements
  4.1 Descriptive Statistics
  4.2 Mean Difference Tests of Korean VC and Market condition
  4.3 Regression Analysis


  • Jaemin Cho Technology Innovation & Management Graduate Program, Pohang University of Science & Technology, San 31, Hyoja, Pohang 790-784, South Korea
  • Jaeho Lee Department of International Business and Trade, Kyung Hee University, Hoegi-dong, Dongdaemun-gu, Seoul 130-701, South Korea


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