

Knowledge Asymmetry and Issuer Behavior : The Case of Retail Structured Equity Product



This paper investigates Korean retail structured products, uncovering evidence that issuers pro teer by increasing product complexity. Using unique data, for which degree of complexity is measurable by the type or dimension of the underlying asset, we report monotonically increasing mark-up premia and J-shaped issue amounts in relation to complexity. The result with respect to mark-up premia may be explained in a rational framework considering hedging costs; however, this is not the case with respect to issue amounts, leading us to surmise a hidden issuer incentive. Accordingly, we introduce a simple model, allowing investors with imperfect knowledge, and attempt to reconcile the result with model implications. The model proves that knowledge asymmetry is the key condition for issuers to o er complex products and to enjoy higher excess pro t, thus worsening allocative eciency. Further, we show that the model explains our empirical results well, when knowledge asymmetry is veri ed as a strictly increasing convex function of complexity.


 1 Introduction
 2 Retail-oriented Structured Product Market
  2.1 One-Asset Reverse Convertible (RC)
  2.2 Two-Assets Reverse Convertibles
 3 Overpricing in Complex Structured Products
  3.1 Complexity and Knowledge Asymmetry
  3.2 Complexity and Hedging costs
 4 Data
 5 Premium Estimation
  5.1 Mark-up premium
  5.2 Pricing model
  5.3 Pricing of the TARC
 6 Empirical Results
  6.1 Product complexity and mark-up premia
  6.2 Premium decomposition by complexity
  6.3 Complexity and issue amount
  6.4 Monopolistic Competitive Market
 7 Conclusion


  • Won-Suk Liu Department of Economics, Seoul National University
  • Young-Min Choi Department of Economics, Seoul National University
  • Young-Sik Kim Department of Economics, Seoul National University


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