

소비자정보탐색과 소비자만족 비교 연구: 일반거래와 전자상거래에서 구매제품을 중심으로


Consumer information searched and satisfaction of consumers in traditional and electronic commerces


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The goal of this study was to examine differences between traditional and electronic commerce in criteria of the amount of consumer information and the level of consumer satisfaction. In addition this study examined factors influencing the amounts of information search of consumers and the level of consumer satisfaction between traditional and electronic commerce. The results of this study are as follows. First, consumers gathered more information about stores and price in electronic commerce, but more information about quality and after service in traditional commerce. Second, overall, rational consumers, and consumers buying electronic goods collected more information. Third, consumers were more satisfied with shopping in electronic commerce than in traditional commerce except for the satisfaction from price. However, comsumers' satisfaction was not differed what kind of goods consumers buy. Fourth, if consumers gathered lots of information, they tend to be more satisfied than otherwise. In addition, there were positive relationship between consumer’lower age, rational purchase behavior, and positive thinking of the electronic commerce.


 I. 서론
 II. 선행연구고찰
  1. 일반거래와 전자상거래 연구 고찰
  2. 소비자정보탐색 선행연구 고찰
  3. 소비자만족 관련 선행연구
  4. 소비자정보탐색과 소비자만족 관련 선행연구
  5. 구매제품 특성과 정보탐색, 거래방식 채택 관련 선행연구
 III. 연구방법
  1. 연구문제
  2. 조사대상 및 자료수집 방법
  3. 조사도구 및 척도의 구성
  4. 자료분석 방법
 IV. 연구결과 및 분석
  1. 조사대상자의 특성
  2. 일반거래와 전자상거래에서의 소비자정보탐색 차이
  3. 구매제품에 따른 소비자정보탐색의 차이
  4. 소비자정보탐색 영향 변수
  5. 일반거래와 전자상거래에서의 소비자만족 차이
  6. 구매제품에 따른 소비자만족의 차이
  7. 소비자만족 영향 변수
 V. 결론 및 제언


  • 허경옥 Kyungok Huh. 성신여자대학교 가족문화ㆍ소비자학과 부교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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