

Another dividend puzzle : Why do dividend-paying firms pay dividends quarterly?



In the U.S., dividends are paid quarterly, semiannually, or annually. Why do most dividendpaying firms pay dividends quarterly? We test explanations related to information signaling and agency costs, but neither explanations pan out. We also test whether managers are catering to shareholder demand for frequent dividends, but find no evidence of it. We then conduct an event study to see how the market reacts to dividend frequency-change announcements. When a firm announces an increase in its dividend-payout frequency, we find positive abnormal announcement returns. Further analysis suggests dividend frequency-increasing announcements signal an increase in future dividends, but not future earnings.


 I. Data
  A. Summary Statistics
 II. Regression Tests
  A. Identifying Determinants of Dividend-Payout Frequency
  B. Regression Results
 III. Catering Tests
  A. Brief Discussion of Catering Results
 IV. Event Study Tests
  A. Regressing CARs on Firm-Specific Variables
  B. So What Do the Abnormal Announcement Returns Reveal?
 V. Before-and-After Analysis
 VI. Why a Puzzle?
 VII. Conclusion


  • Suk Hi kim College of Business Administration University of Detroit Mercy 4001 W. McNichols Road
  • Kenneth A. Kim State University of New York at Buffalo School of Management
  • Takeshi Nishikawa St. Johns University Tobin College of Business


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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