The Basic Analysis for Estimating the Value of Household Work
This study is the basic step of including the economical value of household labor into the existing GDP. Therefore this study analyzes statistical data; Economical Active Population Survey, Time Used Survey, Basic Wage Structural Survey, and City Household Survey for that step and will help people to reconsider the importance of the economical value household work. Economical Active Population Survey classifies housework as economically nonoproductive activity Time Use Survey does not have an clear classification for action. Basic Wage Structural Survey must give subdividable information on wage. City Household Survey should include more details and more data of household durables.
I. 서론
II. 이론적 배경
1. 가사노동의 생산성
2. 가사노동의 경제적 가치평가방법
3. 가사노동 가치평가와 통계자료
III. 연구 방법
IV. 기초통계자료의 조사배경
1. 경제활동인구조사
2. 국민생활시간조사
3. 임금구조기본조사
4. 도시가계조사
V. 무보수 가사노동 가치평가를 위한 통계자료 분석
1. 경제활동인구조사
2. 국민생활시간조사
3. 임금구조기본조사
4. 도시가계조사
VI. 결론 및 제언