

Construction and Simulation of Competitiveness Evaluating Model for E- commerce Enterprise Based on DEA



Recently, with the rapid development of e-commerce businesses, each business is more competitive, an import problem exists in the development of E-business is that the efficiency of enterprises is not increasing as soon as the increasing of the investment. The reason is that the efficiency between input and output can’t be evaluated exactly. So, in order to solve this problem with quantitative methods, two DEA models are established based on input data and output data of 11 e- commerce enterprises from 2011 to 2013. Input data includes marketing costs, number of employees and the total assets. Output data includes the number of network member and operating incomes. Static BCC model is established based on VRS firstly. The development status of each enterprise in three years and the overall development trends of all enterprise are analyzed. Dynamic DEA-Malmquist model is set up based on VRS too. The Dynamic data are analyzed. Finally, in view of the change trend of different enterprises in three years, developing shortcomings are pointed out, reason are analyzed, further enterprise development strategy and methods are put forward.


 1. Introduction
 2. Main Models of DEA
  2.1. CCR
  2.2. BBC
  2.3. Malmquist Model
 3.Empirical Analysis of DEA
  3.1. Indicators and Data Selection
  3.2. Static Efficiency Analysis
  3.3. Business Type Analysis
 4. Malmquist DEA Construction
  4.1. Malmquist Dynamic Analysis
  4.2. Corporate Perspective
  4.3. Relative Change in Three Years
 5. Conclusion


  • Wenli Geng Computer and information engineering institute Harbin University of Commerce Harbin, 150028, China
  • Jing Tan Computer and information engineering institute Harbin University of Commerce Harbin, 150028, China


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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