

An Analysis of the Economic Effects of NetworkIndustry by Applying Household Endogenous Model



Currently the Republic of Korea is planning a government-sponsored project to build a new network infrastructure in order to provide better services with citizens in spite of the already established world class network infrastructure. For past few years, there were several investments on network infrastructure development projects which resulted in high ROI(Return on Investment) rates in Korea. The clear definition and objective analysis of the project is an important task to be completed prior to the beginning of carrying out the project which aimed to promote network industry with government support. This report applies an analysis of inter-relationship among industries including an influence process of income and consumption by considering the effects of an increase in consumption, resulting from the growth of household income, on production. It might be worthy to review input-output table with household endogenous model when it investigates the effectiveness of investment on network infrastructure.


 1. Introduction
 2. Advanced Research
 3. Research Methodology
 4. Conclusion


  • Woo-Soo Jeong Korea Association for ICT Promotion
  • Mijeong Han Korea Internet & Security Agency
  • Seung-Woan Chai Korea Internet & Security Agency
  • Kyoung-Sik Min Korea Internet & Security Agency


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