

Formal Description of the Virtual Machines System Framework



Virtual resources have the duality of hardware and software, which brings new challenges to virtual resources management and manipulation. There is urgent need for formally describing virtual resources in order to effectively reason about virtual resources allocation, scheduling and management. This paper describes the virtual resources and their dynamic behavior. We first give the formal definition of the resources pool and the virtual machine (VM). Then, we describe the dynamic behavior of VMs. In particular, we present a formal description of how virtual resources are used by VMs. This paper reveals the logical laws of virtual resources and their dynamic behaviors and makes the virtualization theory system more rigorous.


 1. Introduction
 2. Background and Related Work
  2.1. Xen Architecture
  2.2. CPU Virtualization
  2.3. I/O Device Virtualization
  2.4. Virtual Memory Management
 3. The Formal Definition of the VM
 4. Operation Semantics
 5. Virtual Resources of VMs
  5.1. Syntax Definitions
  5.2. CPU Virtualization
  5.3. Memory Resources of VMs
  5.4 I/O Resources of VMs
 6. Related Work
  6.1 Virtual Resources Management and Scheduling
  6.2 The Description of Physical Resources
  6.3 The Description of the System Frame
 7. Conclusions and Future Work


  • Xiaodong Liu School of Computer Science and Engineering, Henan Institute of Engineering, Zhengzhou, 451191, China
  • Li He School of Computer Science and Engineering, Henan Institute of Engineering, Zhengzhou, 451191, China
  • Hating Xu School of Computer Science and Engineering, Henan Institute of Engineering, Zhengzhou, 451191, China


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