

Advance Articulated Entity Relationship (AAER) Diagram for Relational Database



The Entity-Relationship model (ER) is a systematic way of describing and defining many systems. The Articulated Entity Relationship (AER) is an improved model from ER-diagram by adding Functional Dependences (FDs) and normalization levels in automatically form. This paper proposed an methodology to add a new notation exactly for weak entity type and relationship between the two entity types. This notations added to the AER-diagram to facilitate the conversion from one form to another, and to make it easy to understand by the user. In addition, to it reduces the time spent by developers and designers to transform the ER-diagram to the relation (table) quickly without having to re-conversion of more than one person in the database. So, the notations define the important information in this stage. That added when convert the AAER-diagram to relation(table) in database or other form. The new notations determine the special information, such as the composite primary key for weak entity type and the primary key of the entity type that become foreign key in the other relation of other entity type according to the cardinality of the relationship. In addition, to the weak entity type and relationship between the two entity types special attributes for each one in his relation, and determined composed attribute. It be explained in detail with examples in context of this paper.


 1. Introduction
 2. Overview for the Proposed Methodology AAER
  2.1 Details About the AAER-block Diagram Steps:
  2.2 Table to Describe the New Notations:
 3. Example:
 4. Limitations
 5. Related Work
 6. Conclusion and Future Work



  • Nosaiba Hamdan Abu-Samhadanh Mutah University, Jordan, Al-karak


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