

Comparison Between the Rules Of Data Storage Tools



It is proposed that this paper shows the types of pros and cons of storage and data retrieval tools. Also it shows the pros and cons of each type with a detailed explanation. The explanation shows how and when they can use any of them also determine the means and security applications in these tools and give the pros and cons of each one. In addition to provide tips and benefits of each one of them in terms of storage size and the number of tables. Also the number of users and analysis tools databases and support tools for each one of them, and how to repair, back up, and recover evidence rules for each one of them. Identifying the powers of users and the cons in each one and determine when Microsoft SQL server or Microsoft access can be used if needed. There are several versions of SQL server in the market. Each copy gives a certain capability. The user will find a copy for Project Enterprise. Which is the largest, the powerful, and most frequently used version. Also there is a developer’s copy. Where a developer will have an enterprise version with full specification. This version deigned only for developers who develop programs that run on SQL server. Moreover developer’s copy there is a miniature version of windows CE edition. Which works on windows CE systems for handheld devices.


 1. Introduction
 2. Related Work
 3. Comparison Tools
  3.1. Introduction of Comparison
  3.2. Disadvantages and Advantages
  3.3. Difference between MS access and MS SQL Server
  3.4. Support Tools
  3.5. There are Several Versions of SQL Server in the Market
  3.6. Security in the MS SQL Server
 4. Examples
 5. Determinants of Tools
 6. Conclusion


  • Ahmad Al- Shamailh Mutah University, Jordan, Ahmadsham013
  • Ra’Fat AL-msie’deen Mutah University, Jordan, Ahmadsham013
  • Ali Alsarhan Depaul University, USA


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