

An Integrity Checking Mechanism Using Physical Independent Storage for Mobile Device




The dissemination of smartphones is rapidly progressing and there are many similarities of smartphones and PCs in terms of security risks. Recently, in mobile network environment, there is a trend of increasing damages and now, there are lots of active research on a system that can comprehensively respond to this. As a way to prevent these risks, integrity checking method on operation system is being researched. As most integrity checking algorithms are classified by verification from the levels before booting the OS and at the time of passing on the control to the OS, in which, there are minor differences in the definitions of integrity checking or its methods. This paper researched the verification techniques for OS integrity that can be more fatal than apps in case of security issues, and suggests the integrity verification technique of OS using a boot loader and a physically independent storing device in the terminal.


 1. Introduction
 2. Related Research
 3. Materials and Methods
  3.1. Securing Independent Security Memory Area
  3.2. Integrity Verification Using the Bootloader
  3.3. Verify the Integrity of the Operating System Level
 4. Conclusion


  • Jae-Kyung Park Chief researcher at Cyber Security Research Center, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Seoul 135-854, Korea
  • Sang-Yong Choi Chief researcher at Cyber Security Research Center, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Daejeon 305-701, Korea


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