Cultural creative design industries play animportant role in breaking through thepredicament when products are short ofdistinctive features. A thorough study oncultural creative industries has not been donein terms of sustainable development due toprevious focus on environment policy. Throughparticipation in the survey and in-depthinterviews with the temple and businesses;first we learned that the tourists joined thepilgrimage tended to rubberneck and pray andmost of the tourists purchased the localproducts of Dajia. Second, in regard ofinnovation of traditional culture, there is nosufficient integration of tourism, transportationand accommodation facilities which makes itdifficult for the tourists to stay for a longerperiod. Third, in terms of cultural creativity,the businesses agreed on the positive benefitcultural creative products have brought to thelocal economy although some products havenot been changed to keep the traditionalculture.
1. Introduction
2. Literature review
2.1 Cultural creative industry
2.2 Sustainable development and relevant studies
2.3 Relevant studies on Dajia Mazu Pilgrimage
3. Methods
3.1 Research target
3.2 Research framework
3.3 Research Steps
4. Result
4.1. Background information
4.2 Innovation of traditional culture
5. Conclusion and suggestions