

감정표현 색채어 연구 : 영어와 중국어를 중심으로


A Comparative Study of Color Terms for Emotion in English and Chinese


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The purpose of this paper is to compare the usages of basic color terms expressing emotions(anger, joy, sadness, fear) in English and Chinese. There have been several researches studying color metaphor for emotions like EMOTION IS COLOR,ANGER IS RED. Those studies have paid attention to limited color words such as red and white, also they concentrated on universality of languages. The data was collected from several dictionaries and corpora in English and Chinese. In this paper, it is observed that red and white are used for anger and fear in both English and Chinese. Because those two colors are metonymic expressions related with the physical reactions like blood and nervous system. It is also found that the other colors such as yellow, blue, black have the differences between in English and Chinese. It is claimed that to appreciate various usages of those colors, cultural factors should be considered. Under a cognitive perspective the possible factors which could affect the meaning extension of the color words are suggested: 4 humors theory of the body, the way Chinese characters were made, the influence of the Romantisism.


 1. 서론
 2. 이론적 배경
  2.1. 용어의 정의
  2.2. 색채어 연구
 3. 감정에 따른 색채어 분류
  3.1. 화(anger, 怒)
  3.2. 공포(fear, 怕)
  3.3. 기쁨(joy, 兴)
  3.4. 슬픔(sadness, 哀)
 4. 색채어 사용의 비교
  4.1. 신체적 경험과 반응
  4.2. 문화적 특수성과 어휘의 유래
 5. 결론


  • 주보현 Bohyun Ju. 부산대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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