

미세현미경디스크 제거술 후 초기 분절안정화 운동이 배가로근과 뭇갈래근의 활성도 및 통증에 미치는 영향


Effects of Early Lumbar Segmental Stabilizing Exercise on the Muscular Thickness of Deep Muscle and Pain Scale after Laser Microdiscectomy

설동일, 박우영, 안근옥

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



[PURPOSE] This study is to evaluate the effects of lumbar segmental stabilizing exercise on the local muscle activities of patients who underwent Laser microdiscectomy. [METHODS] Twenty-four patients who underwent Laser Microdiscectomy, were divided into two groups including an experimental group who would take lumbar segmental stabilizing exercise and a control group. The exercise therapy was applied for 8weeks after a 6-week postoperative resting period. The experimental group performed an exercise regimen for 30minutes per day, 3times a week for 8weeks, whereas the control group received ordinary physical therapies. Their pains were measured by the visual analog scale(VAS), and echographic measurements were made on changes in the thicknesses o f transversus abdominis and multifidus. The activities of transversus abdominis and multifidus were analyzed 8weeks before and after the exercise, along with VAS. [RESULTS] The results of this study are as in the following: First, the activity of transversus abdominis muscle was enhanced significantly as the period of measurement elapsed. There was no significant inter-group difference, but it appeared that an interaction occurred between a period of measurement and a group. Second, the activity of multifidus muscle was enhanced significantly as the period of measurement elapsed. There was no significant inter-group difference, and more over there was no interaction between a period of measurement and a group. Third, the visual analogue scale showed a significant fall as the period of measurement elapsed, and there were interactions between a period of measurement and a group. [CONCLUSIONS] As regards early rehabilitation for patients who underwent, Laser Microdiscectomy segmental stabilizing exercise, known to strengthen deep spinal muscles, has positive effects on muscular activity and pain and thus is crucial to securing lumbar stability.


  미세현미경디스크 제거술 후 분절안정화 운동이 배가로근 활성화에 미치는 영향
  미세현미경디스크 제거술 후 분절안정화 운동이 뭇갈래근 활성화에 미치는 영향
  미세현미경디스크 제거술 후 분절안정화 운동이 시각상사척도에 미치는 영향
 결론 및 제언


  • 설동일 Dong-Il Seol. 단국대학교
  • 박우영 Woo-Young Park. 단국대학교
  • 안근옥 Keun-Ok An. 단국대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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