

운동강도와 운동시간이 운동중과 회복기 지방대사에 미치는 영향


Effects of Exercise Intensity and Duration on Fat Oxidation Rate during Exercise and Recovery in College Students


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



[PURPOSE] The purpose of this study was to compare metabolic variables during exercise and recovery between mid and low intensity exercise in college students. [METHODS] Eight healthy university students were participated in two trials: (1) mid intensity exercise(60%VO2R, 45min; MI), and (2) low intensity exercise(40%VO2R, 60min; LI) in same energy expenditure condition on a treadmill exercise. [RESULTS] During the exercise, VO2 and exercise expenditure(EE) were significantly higher at MI than at LI (p=.000, p=.000), but no significant difference of exercise time was found. Respiratory exchanged ratio(RER) was significantly higher at MI than at LI(p=010), and was significantly higher in exercise 15min than in exercise 30 and 45min(p=000). Fat oxidation rate(FOR) and Fat oxidation (g/min, FO) were significantly lower at MI than at LI(p=.022, p=.034), and were significantly higher at 15min than exercise at 30 and 45min(p=000, p=.000), respectively. During the recovery, VO2 and EE were significantly higher at MI than at LI(p=.000, p=.000), and were significantly higher after 30min than after 15min of recovery(p=.000, p=.000), respectively. RER was not significantly different between MI and LI, but it was significantly lower after 45min than 15min recovery(p=.000). FOR and FO were not significant difference between MI and LI, but it was significantly higher after 30min than 15min recovery(p=.000, p=.000), respectively. [CONCLUSIONS] These finding suggest that the moderate exercise can contribute to greater exercise and recovery-induced fat oxidation and energy expenditure compared with a lower intensity continuous exercise.


  실험설계 및 절차
  측정항목 및 방법
 결론 및 제언


  • 고성식 Sung-Sik Ko. 한국교통대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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