Understanding the Simplicity of The Infant Visual Perception and a Space Design as the Aesthetic Pleasure
This study begins to the question of the structural utility that could be observed in the space aimed for Infants. The drawing of them is organized in the simple way show the adaptive structure based on their general minds. The principle of simplicity provides the useful basis, as the physical space to pursue efficiency. In this study, The simplicity was analyzed the characteristics of the vertical -horizontal, the circle and the oblique structure, as the adaptive structure related to the visual perception of them and was organized by leveling and sharpening which was categorized into the dominant attribute of it. In short, The vertical -horizontal structure resulted in array based on the regular interval and reflectional symmetry by the two dimension. The circle structure resulted in radial symmetry by the three dimension and honeycomb structure. The oblique structure resulted in logarithmic spirals and self similarity transformations. The types are likely to compose the experience depending on the transcendental structure of early childhood and their cognitive architecture including the high suitability for the space.
Ⅰ. 서론
1. 연구의 배경과 목적
2. 연구의 범위와 방법
Ⅱ. 시지각적 단순성
1. 유아의 시지각적 조직화
2. 유아 시지각적 조직화의 단순성
3. 단순성의 이론적 고찰
Ⅲ. 미적 즐거움으로써의 공간 디자인
1. 공간 디자인에서의 형
2. 단순성의 공간적 표현 요소
3. 자연의 형상에 담긴 단순성의 미적 즐거움
Ⅳ. 사례 분석
1. 사례 분석 범위와 방법
2. 유아의 시지각적 단순성을 이해한 미적 즐거움으로써의 공간디자인 사례
Ⅴ. 결론