

Performance Evaluation of Efficient Routing Protocols in Delay Tolerant Network under Different Human Mobility Models



Delay and/or Disruption-Tolerant Networking (DTN) is a novel communication prototype that can span across multiple networks and deal with unpredicted conditions in the Internet model.Delay-tolerant networks (DTNs) are partitioned wireless ad hoc networks with intermittent connectivity. Additional terminology in this family of dynamic networks includes disruption-tolerant networks, intermittently connected networks, and opportunistic networks. Routing of the packets in DTN is based on store-carry-and forward paradigm. In this paper, we study and analyze performance of well known PROPHET and Spray and Wait routing protocol, under different human mobility models such as Truncated Levy Walk mobility model (TLW),Self-similar Least Action Walk (SLAW) and Random way point (RWP) model. The MATLAB simulator is used in order to analyze the performance of these routing protocols.Simulation results illustrate that Spray and Wait significantly outperforms the PROPHET on aspects of delivery ratio, average delay and communication overhead.


 1. Introduction
 2. Routing Protocol in DTN
  2.2. Spray and Wait
 3. Mobility Model
  3.1 Truncated Levy Walk Mobility Model
  3.2 Random Way Point
  3.3 Self-similar Least Action Walk (SLAW)
 4. Performance Metrics and Simulation Setup
  4.1 Performance Metrics
 5. Simulation Results
 6. Conclusion


  • Namita Mehta Faculty of Electronics & Communication Engg. B & B Institute of Technology,V.V.Nagar
  • Mehul Shah Assistant Professor, Department of Communication Engg. G.H.Patel College of Engineering & Technology, V.V.Nagar Gujrat, India.


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