

A High Availability Clusters Model Combined with Load Balancing and Shared Storage Technologies for Web Servers



This paper designs and implements a high availability clusters and incorporated with load balance infrastructure of web servers. The paper described system can provide full facilities to the website hosting provider and large business organizations. This system can provide continuous service though any system components fail uncertainly with the help of Linux Virtual Server (LVS) load-balancing cluster technology and combined with virtualization as well as shared storage technology to achieve the three-tier architecture of Web server clusters. This technology not only improves availability, but also affects the security and performance of the application services being requested. Benefits of the system include node failover overcome; network failover overcome; storage limitation overcome and load distribution.


 1. Introduction
 2. Related Technologies and Architechtures
  2.1. Computer Cluster
  2.2 High Availability
  2.3 High-availability Clusters
  2.4 Load Balance
  2.5 Failover
  2.6 Linux Virtual Server (LVS) and Virtualization Technology
  2.7 LVS Cluster Architecture
 3. Proposed Model Design and Implementation Details
 4. Implementation Details
 5. Experimentals Setup and Test
  5.1 Testing using GUI
  5.2 Testing using Command Line
  5.3 Performance Testing
  5.4 Load Testing
  5.5 Failover Testing
 6. Conclusion and Future Scope


  • A. B. M. Moniruzzaman Departement of Computer Science and Engineering, Daffodil International University
  • Md. Waliullah Departement of Computer Science and Engineering, Daffodil International University
  • Md. Sadekur Rahman Departement of Computer Science and Engineering, Daffodil International University


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