

Research on the Resource Scheduling of the Improved SFLA in Cloud Computing



It has always been a key topic in the current research how to make rational resource scheduling in the cloud computing environment. In this paper, the status of cloud computing resources is first analyzed, to point out the existing problems, and then combined with the characteristics of resource scheduling in cloud computing, the Shuffled Frog Leaping Algorithm is introduced. First, in its stage of subgroups classification, the chaos strategy is introduced and in the internal search the positive learning strategy is introduced, which makes the improved frog leaping algorithm gain good convergence, reduces the time of global search and optimization. Through the CloudSim platform, it shows that this algorithm can improve the efficiency of task processing and make the resource scheduling in cloud computing rational and effective.


 2. The Main Issues of Cloud Computing Resources
  2.1 The Current Status of Cloud Computing Resources
  2.2 The Service Quality in Cloud Computing
 3. Shuffled Frog Leaping Algorithm
 4. Improved Shuffled Frog Leaping Algorithm
  4.1 The Content Improved
  4.2 Improved Algorithm Flow
 5. Experimental Simulation
  5.1 Performance Test for the Algorithm
  5.2 Cloud Computing Simulation Platform
 6. Conclusion


  • Yue Miao China West Normal University, School of Computer, Sichuan Nanchong 637002
  • Fu Rao China West Normal University, School of Computer, Sichuan Nanchong 637002
  • Luo Yu China West Normal University, School of Computer, Sichuan Nanchong 637002


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