

P3 해운동맹에 대한 경쟁법 해운법의 적용 문제


P3 Maritime Alliance and the Issues of Applying the Competition Actㆍthe Marine Transport Act


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Nowshipping companies are facedwith the crisis, the situation is similar to the IMF bailout. Due toworsening earnings deterioration, if there is nomatch in the foreseeable future recovery or support, shipping companies are up to the debacle. In these circumstances, the country must support the shipping industry, but in reality, there is no systematic support. The country’smaritime competitiveness is influenced by the various shipping support system. Since the global financial crisis, the world’s major countries are strongly protecting the domestic shipping Corps. The size of Korea’s economic aid is less than that of People’s Republic of China. In the past, it was important to raise the amount of shipping freight.Nowthe recession is lasting, so the operating funds is more important than the shipping funds. In this context, the following measures can be considered. First, shipping guarantee fundmust be established tomake the private funds support shipping companies. However, shipping guarantee agency is by no means as an urgent operational funding is not appropriate. And then it is required to support shipping companies through the export insurance system. Tonnage tax schemewill be applied until 2014 by law. Currently taking into account of shipping competitiveness, the tonnage tax scheme should be extended. In addition, tax support in ship investment company(ship fund) should be kept for. The support of shipping companies ismore important than tax equity and the State finance.


장기간의 불황으로해운선사의운전자금조달에애로가상당하고각국은자국해운사의보호에 진력하고있다.무역보험공사와 같은공적기구도보증이나보험의형식으로해운산업을 지지하 고 있으며,해운사업의성격상이러한지원에힘입어 경쟁에서생존한기업만이이후호황이돌아왔 을때과실을획득할수있을것이다.그러나위기상황에서생존경쟁에몰린해운기업은해운동맹 이나합병을통해생존방안을모색하고있으며P3네트워크의등장이그대표적사례이다.이러한 새로운형태의해운동맹의등장에대해경쟁제한적기업결합으로볼것인지기타규제대상해운동 맹으로볼것인가가세계해운업계의관심사가되었고,최종적으로중국상무부가경쟁제한적기업 결합으로해석하여인가를거절함으로써초거대공룡기업(P3)의등장이좌절되기에이른다. P3 의등장으로가장큰위협을받던우리입장에서는P3의법률적성격이여하한가에따라그대응방 법도모색될수있으므로그에대한법적분석이필수적이다.이글은연구목적은P3의해운법과 경쟁법상쟁점을고찰하여법적성질을규명하고그 대응방안을 모색하는데 있다.


 Ⅰ. 들어가며
 Ⅱ. 해운산업의 불황과 해운동맹의 출현
  1. 해운경기의 침체로 인한 선사운영자금의 고갈과 조달문제
  2. 새로운 해운동맹의 출현
 Ⅲ. 해운법상 규제와 문제점
 Ⅳ. 경쟁법상 규제와 문제점
 Ⅴ. 맺음말


  • 정상근 Sang-Keun Jeong. 영산대학교 법과대학 부교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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