

방산수출 국제대금결제와 방산수출금융에 관한 고찰


Study on Military Export Payment and Military Export Financing


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study explore and survey issues ofmilitary export paymentmethods and military export financing(“MEF)“.Military export can be characterized by the fact thatmost of buyers are government entities, that special care should be required to choose optimalmiddle position regarding construction and delivery between parties, and that exporting government generallyneeds to facilitate government official or concessional financing for importing government buyer. In a typical MEF arena, official credit by exporting government with or without concessional lending, is a frequent feature, andU.S. centers on giving grants by FMF(“ForeignMilitary Financing”) program,whilstmajority countries on commercial ECA financing. U.S. Eximbank gives financing support for exports of defense-related products: counter-narcotics efforts and non-lethal military articles. History shows that all export financing programs have not been always successful. U.S. Defense Export Loan Guarantee(“DELG”) has been used only once and has not generated enough revenue in fees and the scope and nature of continued DELGoperations was not readilymet by DoD. This study suggests some implication on our future policy and desirable financing systemon DEF. It cannot be achieved by mere encouragement led by government for commercial banks to offer MEF voluntarily merely on commercial bases, but by harmonized arrangement by both government and official export financing agencies, such as Ex-imbank, KDBand K-sure. Even where there has not been clear and apparent profit could not bematerialized within visible short time, relevant government entities and appropriate official financing arms should co-build Korea Military Export Financing programs in order to develop MEF as new growth power industry.


방산수출은대금지급주체가구매국정부라는점,제작과인도시기관련양당사자의이해가대립 하여그에맞는결제조건의합의와조정에신중해야하는점,연불결제를활용하는경우정부의공적 금융이나보증지원을통해구매자신용방산수출금융이필요한점을특징으로한다.개별방산수출에 적합한대금결제방법결정은구매국의요구에부응하면서수출기업의대금미회수위험을최소화시키 는방안을모색해야하며,복잡하고당사자간협상과합의가어려운분야이다. 방산수출금융에는 방산수주경쟁력확보와구매국의지급능력보완을위해수출국정부의공적(official)금융,양허성 (concessional) 지원이자주활용된다. 유럽은주로상업은행의대출에ECA보증지원이라는 ECA금융방식을주로활용하나미국은대외군사금융(FMF)을주로보조금중심으로지원하고, 비살상무기계열이나마약퇴치활동등에대하여는미국수출입은행이지원하며,대규모프로젝트의 경우라면의회의특별승인을통해지원한다.심지어미국의경우도모든방산수출금융이성공하는 것은아니며,미국국방부방산수출대출(DELG)프로그램처럼방산수출특성과복잡성반영,조직 준비를갖추지못한지원프로그램은실패할수있음을알수있다. 미국등선진국방산수출관련대금결제방법이나수출금융시스템은초기단계인우리나라의향후 방산수출에대한금융지원방향에여러가지시사점을준다.이중특히은행등금융권의역할과정부의 역할정립이중요할것이다.단순히정부가상업금융기관에 금융지원을독려한다고될문제이기보다는, 정부가주도적으로확실한공익목표를제시하고저리로대규모자금을조달할수있는대형정책금융기 관, 즉수출입은행, 산업은행, 무역보험공사등정책금융기관을중심으로공적수출신용(official export credit)프로그램을지원해야만수출이가능할분야이다.현재우리나라현실을감안할때, 일반시중상업은행들의수출금융지원의자생적발전을바랄것은아니며,보다금융조달능력이우수하 고설사단기간상업적수익률이충분하지않더라도산업발전을위해지원할수있는정책금융기관을 중심으로지원하는방향으로전개해야할것으로본다.정부가정책수립과외교안보채널을적극활용하 고정책금융기관의지원을융합시킬때방산수출산업이기대하는신성장동력산업이될수있을것이다.


 Ⅰ. 들어가는 말
 Ⅱ. 방산수출 대금결제
 Ⅲ. 방산수출 금융
 Ⅳ. 맺음말


  • 박근서 Kun-Seo PARK. 한국무역보험공사 부팀장


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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