

수출신용보증(선적후)의 현상황과 제도개선방안


A study on present situation and reform suggestions of the export credit guarantee(post-shipment)


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Korea is the 7th largest export country in theworld. The trade insurance play very important role in increasing export. One of the trade insurances is export credit guarantee(post-shipment). At the first time, the export bill insurance played very important role in export support. But after introduction of export credit guarantee, the export bill insurance slowly decayed. The export credit guarantee(post-shipment) guarantees the risk that the importer does not pay the import payment. By the functioning of export credit guarantee(post-shipment), the bank plays very important assistance role. The bank should clarify that the importer pay the import cost in certainaccount. The bank shouldnotify toK-Sure when the guarantee accident occurs. The bank should not pay when obvious symptom takes place that the importer precipitates a financial crisis. Furthermore the standard contract terms of export credit guarantee should be reformed. To export credit guarantee, the general insurance principles should be applied. That is also the attitude of korean supreme court.Nowadays the duty of disclosure is operated as a passive answer system. The insurer should also urge when the insured does not pay the premium. In germany, all or nothing principle in the case of gross negligence is abandoned. These new trends of insurance lawshould be also applied to export credit guarantee(post-shipment). For this purpose the standard contract terms of export credit guarantee should be reformed. Then the trade insurance could be activated. The korean export can then also increase sustainedly. The small andmidiumsized companies can also by the way promoted.


국제무역거래에서는국내거래에서는염려하지않아도되는위험이따른다.국제무역거래에서는수출 하는상대국가의정치적불안정등으로대금지급이금지되는경우도흔히있다.그리하여경우에따라서 는국가가자국내은행이대금지급을보증하도록하거나정부가지원하는수출신용보증의보호를강구하 는경우가많다.수출신용보증제도는수출경쟁이더욱심화되고있는국제무역환경속에서수출기업의 경쟁력증진을위해수출보험이보다적극적인역할을수행해야한다는시대적요구에따라도입된제도 이다.수출신용보증(선적후)제도는외국환은행이한국무역보험공사의수출신용보증서를담보로국내 수출자가수출이행후발행한환어음이나선적서류등의수출채권을매입하는방법으로대출을실행하였 으나수입자나개설은행등수출채권의채무자로부터대금을지급받지못하게된때에수출자가은행에 대하여부담하게되는상환채무를대지급하는제도이다.수출신용보증(선적후)제도의운용과관련하여 서는주의할사항도존재하고제도개선도요구된다.주의할사항중핵심으로서O/A거래의경우은행은 자기은행이관리하는계좌를수출대금입금계좌로지정하여야한다.만일이를준수하지않을경우에는 보증조건위반에해당하여공사는면책되게된다.고지의무이행과관련하여보험자인무역보험공사가 질문하는것에만성실히답변하면고지의무가이행된것으로보도록고지의무제도를수동적답변의무로 운용하는것이바람직하다. 보험자는보험계약자가계속보험료를연체한경우반드시일정한기간을 정하여독촉을하고그기간내에도납입을하지않을경우계약을해지할수있도록하여야한다.그렇지만 해지예고부최고는현행법하에서도유효하다고하여야할것이다.한편일반보험뿐만아니라무역보험 에서도보험계약자측의중과실에의한보험사고초래등의경우에전부면책으로하기보다는비례보상 으로일부를지급하는 방향으로앞으로제도를개선하는것이요구된다. 앞으로수출신용보증제도가 그본기능을제대로발휘하도록약관을보험의원리에따라제도자체를합리적으로정비하고중소수출업 체에게 이 제도의 장점과 이용필요성을 적극적으로 홍보조치를 취하여야 한다.


 Ⅰ. 머리말
 Ⅱ. 수출신용보증(선적후)제도의 의의
 Ⅲ. 수출신용보증(선적후) 약관
 Ⅳ. 제도의 특징과 운용방안
 Ⅴ. 맺음말


  • 최병규 Byeong-Gyu Choi. 건국대학교 법학전문대학원 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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