

A Study on the Improvement of adolescent on Online Games Overflow


Ji-Yun Kim, Jae-Hwan Bae

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Online Gaming Disorder causes serious pathological problems such as depression, social isolation, impulse control disorder, and drug abuse. Smart phone overflow is almost the same as Online Gaming Disorder in that smart phone addicts use smart phones so often and so long that they cannot restrain themselves, devastating their everyday life and studies. Preventive education on the part of home as well as school is important, as well. Internet addiction, however, has so many diversifying causes, and may devastate the life of teenagers, who are at the starting point to establish their own values and personality. The Internet is so inseparably intertwined in our society that you cannot just simply ignore it. On the contrary, the Internet may turn into a useful and convenient tool, instead of destroying teenage addicts and society as a whole. In order to make this scenario come true, all walks of society should play a role and guide our adolescents to get positive and healthy interests, away from the pathological Internet use. That way, the damage on the society as well as adolescent addicts themselves may be minimized and adolescents will be able to solidify desirable values and have healthy dreams about their future.


 1. Introduction
 2. Analysis of adolescent Addiction on Online Games
 3. Conclusion
  1) To strengthen preventive education at school on game addiction
  2) To increase the number of and expand the deployment of professional counselors on game addiction
  3) To train Wee class counselors for preventive education and supply more educational materials
  4) To take full advantage of the results of fact-finding surveys conducted by each school


  • Ji-Yun Kim Psychology Doctoral Student in Clinical Psychology, Daegu University, Daegu, South Korea
  • Jae-Hwan Bae Department of Game Engineering, Tongmyong University, Busan, South Korea


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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