

Investigation on the electromechanical properties of RCE-DR GdBCO CC tapes under transversely applied load



REBCO coated conductor (CC) tapes with superior mechanical and electromechanical properties are preferable in applications such as superconducting coils and magnets. The CC tapes should withstand factors that can affect their performance during fabrication and operation of its applications. In coil applications, CC tapes experience different mechanical constraints such as tensile or compressive stresses. Recently, the critical current (Ic) degradation of CC tapes used in coil applications due to delamination were already reported. Thermal cycling, coefficient of thermal expansion mismatch among constituent layers, screening current, etc. can induce excessive transverse tensile stresses that might lead to the degradation of Ic in the CC tapes. Also, CC tapes might be subjected to very high magnetic fields that induce strong Lorentz force which possibly affects its performance in coil applications. Hence, investigation on the delamination mechanism of the CC tapes is very important in coiling, cooling, operation and design of prospect applications. In this study, the electromechanical properties of REBCO CC tapes fabricated by reactive co-evaporation by deposition and reaction (RCE-DR) under transversely applied loading were investigated. Delamination strength of the CC tape was determined using the anvil test. The Ic degraded earlier under transverse tensile stress as compared to that under compressive one.


  2.1. Samples
  2.2. Transverse tension test
  2.3. Transverse compression test
  3.1. Ic behavior under transverse tensile stress
  3.2. Ic behavior under transverse compressive stress
  3.3. Reversible Ic behavior under transverse compressive stress


  • Alking B. Gorospe aDepartment of Mechanical Design Engieering, Andong National University, Andong, 760-749 Korea, Department of Engineering, Aurora State College of Technology, Baler, Philippines 3200
  • Hyung-Seop Shin Department of Mechanical Design Engieering, Andong National University, Andong, 760-749 Korea


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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