

토픽 분석을 활용한 웹 카테고리별 방문자 관심 이슈 식별 방안


Identifying the Interests of Web Category Visitors Using Topic Analysis

최성이, 김남규

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



With the advent of smart devices, users are able to connect to each other through the Internet without the constraints of time and space. Because the Internet has become increasingly important to users in their everyday lives, reliance on it has grown. As a result, the number of web sites constantly increases and the competition between these sites becomes more intense. Even those sites that operate successfully struggle to establish new strategies for customer retention and customer development in order to survive. Many companies use various customer information in order to establish marketing strategies based on customer group segmentation A method commonly used to determine the customer groups of individual sites is to infer customer characteristics based on the customers' demographic information. However, such information cannot sufficiently represent the real characteristics of customers. For example, users who have similar demographic characteristics could nonetheless have different interests and, therefore, different buying needs. Hence, in this study, customers' interests are first identified through an analysis of their Internet news inquiry records. This information is then integrated in order to identify each web category. The study then analyzes the possibilities for the practical use of the proposed methodology through its application to actual Internet news inquiry records and web site browsing histories.


 1. 서론
 2. 관련 연구
 3. 웹 카테고리별 사용자 관심 이슈식별 방법론
  3.1 연구 개요
  3.2 목표 카테고리의 유효 방문객 추출
  3.3 유효 방문객별 관심 이슈 식별
  3.4 목표 카테고리 유효 방문객 관심 이슈요약
  3.5 목표 카테고리 유효 방문객의 인구통계 분포
 4. 실험 및 결과
  4.1 실험 데이터 소개
  4.2 목표 카테고리 유효 방문객 추출 결과
  4.3 유효 방문객별 관심 이슈 식별 결과
  4.4 목표 카테고리 유효 방문객 관심 이슈 요약 결과
  4.5 목표 카테고리 유효 방문객의 인구통계분포 분석 결과
 5. 결론


  • 최성이 Seongi Choi. 국민대학교 석사과정
  • 김남규 Namgyu Kim. 국민대학교 경영정보학부 부교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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