The Effects of Social Information on Recommendation Performance According to the Product Involvement Level
With the rapid increase of social network usage, there are emerging trends of adopting social information among online users in building recommendation system. This study aims to investigate whether the additional usage of social information can improve recommendation performance in recommendation system and how much the improvement can be different according to the product involvement level. As an experiment result, social information does not affect positively to the recommendation accuracy but affect significantly to the recommendation quality. Also social information contributed more sensitively to the improvement of recommendation quality in high product involvement domain.
1. 서론
2. 연구문제
3. 용어정의
4. 소셜 추천시스템 제안
4.1 소셜 추천시스템 설계
4.2 소셜 추천시스템 구현
5. 실험 결과
5.1 자료수집 방법
5.2 추천 성능 평가방법
5.3 이웃수에 따른 추천 성능
5.4 추천시스템에서 소셜 정보의 활용이 추천성능에 미치는 영향
5.5 관여수준에 따른 소셜관계가 추천 성능에 미치는 영향
6. 결론