

Research on Development Policies of Zhoushan New Area in China


Ying Wang, Ducksoo Kim, Taewon Kang

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Since the 1978, China has begun to develop a large-scale new areas in order to promote national economy. Zhejiang Zhoushan Archipelago New Area, which has obvious advantages in location, resources and industry, etc., is the only city-transformed district in China, a forerunner of Zhejiang Province and an important growth pole of Yangtze River delta in marine economy development. Setting up of this district is an important step of China in adopting the marine power strategy. Marine powers refer to the nations that have strong comprehensive strength in marine development, utilization, protection and management. This paper explores the innovative mode of setting up Zhoushan Archipelago New Area to promote the development of marine economy, speed up the openness of Zhoushan Archipelago New Area, construct the international logistics hubs, establish marine-related industry system, establish free trade zone, and construct marine science and technology base, and build a comprehensive marine development and experiment zone. This papre provides the policy implications to the Korean government. Korean government should have a good understanding of China’s strategy for marine economic zone.


 I. Introduction
 II. The Zhoushan Archipelago New Area
 III. Significance of development and basic principles of Zhoushan New Area
  1. Significance of development
  2. Basic principles
 IV. Development orientations and development goals of Zhoushan New Area
  1. Three major orientations of development
  2. Five development goals
  3. Marine economic development layout in Zhejiang
 V. Layout and progress of Zhoushan New Area
  1. One integration: develop and open up main region
  2. One circle: core circle of port logistics
  3. Five-island group: five functional island group
  4. Progress of promotion (3 steps)
 VI. Foreground of development policies for Zhoushan New Area
  1. Build Zhoushan international logistic hub
  2. Establish modern marine industry system
  3. Explore and establish Zhoushan Free Trade Zone
  4. Improve the infrastructure system between the land and the sea
  5. Construct marine science and technology base
  6. Construct Island-type gardening city
 VII. Conclusion


  • Ying Wang Zhejiang Ocean University
  • Ducksoo Kim Zhejiang Ocean University
  • Taewon Kang Kunsan National University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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