

소방응급의료서비스 향상을 위한 평가요인의 중요도에 관한 실증적 연구


An Empirical Study on Importance of Evaluation Factors for Improvement of Fire Emergency Medical Service

황동환, 권영희, 강경식, 김전수, 강윤진

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study is performed to determine the priorites of the evaluation factors for the improvement of fire emergency medical service by increasing it’s efficiency to protect the people’s lives effectively, and by recognizing it’s mid-long term development. Based on the output of the analysis, the critical evaluation factors of the fire emergency medical services to be improved shall be identified, and shall be intended to use strategically for increasing the efficiency of all the activity in the EMT service, and also for providing the basic date to product and manage the good quality services. To calculate the priority of the evaluation factor for each level as shown on this study, AHP(anaysis hierarchy process) with pairwise comparison method is applied. According to the priority analysis for the evaluation factors in main category (evaluation zone), ‘medical service professional aspect’ is recognized as highest one, and ‘service infrastructure aspect, ‘service management aspect’ are indicated in order. According to the priority analysis for the evaluation factors in evaluation index, ‘professional personal arrangement’ in the service infrastructure aspect, ‘appropriateness and timeliness of emergency medical care’ in the medical service professional aspect, and ‘clinical training’ in the service management aspect are respectively recognized as most important factors.


 1. 서론
 2. 연구 설계
 3. 연구 분석
  3.1 분석 방법
  3.2 평가 분석
  3.3 표본 데이터의 수집 및 결과
  3.4 평가 결과
  3.5 종합 중요도 판단
 4. 결론
  4.1 응급처치 적절성에 대한 평가 강화
  4.2 응급구조사 전문화 교육 강화
  4.3 고급응급구조사의 양성
  4.4 병원임상실습과 전문응급처치에 대한 보수교육 강화
  4.5 소방상황실 수보전문요원의 배치 적절성강화
  4.6 의료지도의 활성화
  4.7 응급구조사 행동지침 개발
  4.8 구급활동일지의 기록 방식 및 내용 개선
 5. 고찰
 6. References


  • 황동환 Dong-Wan Hwang. 동부기술단
  • 권영희 Young-Hee Kwon. 경기북부소방본부
  • 김전수 Jeon-Soo Kim. 경기북부소방본부
  • 강윤진 Yun-Jin Kang. 대림대학교 건축설비 소방과
  • 강경식 Kyung Sik Kang. 명지대학교 산업경영공학과 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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